Hi you! I’m Jhudy.

My journey to self care began in 2016 when I had one of the hardest years

of my health life. For most of my life, I got sick with a cold or the flu every single year, sometimes even multiple times a year! I had stomachaches on a regular basis, headaches most afternoons. I felt sleepy after eating. I slept in

for sooo long on my days off (I will not admit at what time I used to wake up!), and still had little to no energy. Sound familiar?

So back to that year I call the hardest year of my health life… Things for me became progressively worse. I had symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, was diagnosed with anemia, was close to being pre-diabetic and had tendonitis in my thumb!! What?! All of that in ONE YEAR! After multiple visits to various doctors offices, long insomniac nights, emotional instability, inability to wave at people or even hold my phone with my right hand, and all the other symptoms that would take an entire book to write out, I decided there had to be a better way. I was a pizza eating, coke drinking, birth control taking woman - and I had enough! I purchased a book called “A Mind of Your Own” by Kelly Brogan, MD (who was also a pizza eating, coke drinking, birth control taking woman), listened to numerous podcasts and researched day and night! Of course the years to come were filled with trial and error, but I was determined! I detoxed from birth control and other medicine, began learning about nutrition, holistic healing, mental health, and most importantly began learning what my specific body needs to preform and feel my best both physically and mentally! And, here we are now…
I feel healthier than ever! Feel energized! Have no aches and pains and am a Naturally Happy Me!


1. I am mommy to a perfect, loving, joyful little baby! She’s the inspiration behind all of the baby food you will find on this blog.

2. I have loved the kitchen since I was a little girl. I would get home from school and make myself PB&J sandwiches while pretending I was being filmed by the Food Network on my gourmet creation. Am I the only one who did this?

3. I have 3 nationalities! Born in Ecuador, lived in Colombia (where my parents are originally from) until I was 7 years old, and moved to America in 2000. I would definitely have to say this has played a roll in my knowledge of natural alternatives to western medicine. In Colombia culture, it is very common to use whole ingredients to create concoctions for any type of illness or disease you can think of!

My Mission


After gaining the physical and mental health and strength I had never thought existed, let alone I’d achieve, I didn’t want it to end there. It’s time for me to pay it forward. I’d love to support you in reaching your goals; whether they are to perform at your best, heal holistically, sleep better, be happier, or simply find healthier recipes.

I write this blog from my home in warm Tampa Bay, FL and most likely accompanied by my miniature white poodle, Vera, because who can resist puppy cuddles! Along with creating recipes, I will also use the blog to share with you some of my favorite foods I have found locally or from my travels. And of course, life is not all about food (hah, don’t say that to a foodie like me), so I will also share with you some tips I have learned to improve my general health and stories to hopefully inspire you and provide you with the support you may need to be a stronger, healthier,
happier you!